OK, I know it's been really hot out there and (hopefully) cooler in your homes, but I'm concerned about some of y'all. Maybe a welfare check is in order. At the very least, a peek outside.
I'm talking about those who spend the bulk of their day online and who have found themselves so bereft of entertainment, they're not only making up fantastical tales about the people with whom they don't agree, but are now creepily tracking the online activity of those people because they won't play with them.
There's at least one person right now screaming "Hypocrite!" at his computer, and probably going back yet again to see if I've liked a comment by someone he disagrees with, disregarding whether it was because the comment had merit (if I upvote a comment, it does; if I downvote one, it's because it makes little sense, lacks civility and/or doesn't address the issue).
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