Anyone else feel like they've been hit by a truck?
Between the assassination attempt on Donald Trump and Joe Biden ending his re-election campaign, there's been a lot of political whiplash.
Photographer and fellow nerd Nicolas MacPherson pretty much summed it all up on Threads Sunday:
"As a Canadian and longtime watcher of the U.S. reality show 'The Election,' I just have to say, you've really kicked it up a notch this season and all the props to the writers and cast. This whole idea to recast at the last minute, brilliant bit of storytelling, truly captivating stuff.
"*someone whispers in ear*
"... WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S REAL?!?!?!!!"
I wasn't yet born in 1968, the last time a sitting president bowed out of his re-election campaign, so I have nothing to compare this to in terms of seismic importance in my lifetime.
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