OTHERS SAY: We should still vote, thank you

The backlash against former President Donald Trump's comment to a Christian group last Friday that if he's re-elected, "you don't have to vote again" in four years was swift and predictable.

But let's say that, as a Trump spokesman later tried to explain, the Republican nominee was talking about uniting the country so that all Americans would then be happy (and perhaps so pleased with events that a chore like voting would be seen as optional).

It's entirely possible that the 78-year-old convicted felon who often sees the world mostly in the context of "what's in it for me" would view this as the ultimate reassurance. Hey, vote me in, and your worries will be over. It wasn't a promise to overthrow the government so much as a pledge to deliver what he assumed must be the goal of everyone at the Believers Summit (and beyond): A reprieve from uncertainty and angst.


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