Others say

OTHERS SAY: Catching up

A small bit of justice came to two very evil men when they met their ends in Beirut and Tehran this past week. Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr was blasted to oblivion by Israel in Beirut after Hezbollah fired an Iranian-made Falaq-1 rocket into the Golan Heights, killing a dozen children playing soccer.

Hours later, at 2 a.m. in Tehran, another arch terrorist, head of Hamas Ismail Haniyeh also expired, along with his bodyguard, when something explosive went through his living room window. The targeted attack, presumably also by Israel, found its target perfectly, as the rest of the apartment building was left touched.

These terrorist enemies of Israel were also enemies of the United States and civilized society.

Shukr had a $5 million price on his head from the U.S.

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