What you need to know about the Arkansas Supreme Court, Arkansas Court of Appeals

court gavel
court gavel

Here are the things you need to know about the Arkansas Supreme Court and the Arkansas Court of Appeals:

All judicial races in Arkansas are non-partisan.

Arkansas Supreme Court justices and Court of Appeals judges serve staggered eight-year terms.

The Arkansas Supreme Court is the highest court in the state. It has seven justices, who are elected in statewide races. The chief justice and Postion 2 seats are up for election this year.

The Court of Appeals has seven electoral districts and 12 judges. All of the districts have two judges, except for Districts 5 and 7, which each have one judge.

The jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals is determined by the Arkansas Supreme Court.

There is no right of appeal from the Arkansas Court of Appeals to the Arkansas Supreme Court; however, opinions decided by the Arkansas Court of Appeals may be reviewed by the Arkansas Supreme Court under certain conditions.


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