Four facing off in Arkansas Supreme Court chief justice race

The four candidates for chief justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court in March 2024 are (from left) Justices Rhonda Wood and Barbara Webb, former state Rep. Jay Martin and Justice Karen Baker. (Courtesy photos)
The four candidates for chief justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court in March 2024 are (from left) Justices Rhonda Wood and Barbara Webb, former state Rep. Jay Martin and Justice Karen Baker. (Courtesy photos)

Next month’s race for chief justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court is a four-person contest, with three members of the state’s highest court and a former state representative vying for the post.

Voters will go to the polls on March 5 to choose a successor for retiring Chief Justice Dan Kemp. Arkansas’ judges are selected in non-partisan elections that are held simultaneously with the state’s political primaries. Early voting begins Tuesday.

Unless one candidate captures a majority of votes next month, the race will be decided in a run-off election that will be held in conjunction with the Nov. 5 presidential election. The winner will take office on Jan. 1.

Kemp, 72, of Mountain View is stepping aside after one term due to a law that requires circuit judges and higher to forfeit their retirement benefits if they run for judicial office after turning 70.


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