Allen Williams promoted at First Community Bank.
Allen Williams promoted at First Community Bank.


Blake Dunn has joined Stone Bank in Little Rock as a teller and customer service representative.


The University of Arkansas at Little Rock has hired Kindle Holderby, former assistant vice chancellor for enrollment management, as the new executive director of admissions.

Arkansas State University Chancellor Todd Shields has appointed Todd Clark as chief marketing and communications officer.


Joaly Velasquez has joined Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield as a network development representative.


Acxiom has named Keith Camoosa as chief product and technology innovation officer and Ankur Jain as chief cloud and data modernization officer.


Dr. Joseph Koon recently began working at Benton Family Clinic, a Baptist Health Affiliate.

Dr. Sam Dalvi has joined the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Department of Internal Medicine as a professor and director of the Division of Rheumatology and Immunology.


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