Work to upgrade PotlatchDeltic mill at Waldo nearing completion

PotlatchDeltic mill upgrade almost done

PotlatchDeltic executives say work on its Waldo sawmill is nearing completion and will increase output and revenue, but no new employees will be hired to work there.

"We have reached several significant milestones with our $131 million ... sawmill modernization and expansion project," PotlatchDeltic President and Chief Executive Officer Eric Cremers said on a Tuesday earnings call. "The project continues to progress well with completion in Q3 remaining on track and within budget.

"In the early part of the third quarter, the mill will undertake a limited period of downtime to tie in the new equipment," he said. "This downtime is expected to reduce our wood projects division lumber production by approximately 10%, or 25 million board feet, in the third quarter.

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