Walmart Inc. opens 25 pharmacies targeting autoimmune diseases

Walmart expanding immune illness focus

Walmart Inc. has opened 25 more pharmacies that focus on helping people with autoimmune diseases, bringing the total to 31 across nine states.

Walmart opened its first six autoimmune disease-focused pharmacies in October.

The pharmacies are designed to help patients with disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and gastrointestinal conditions.

Kevin Host, senior vice president of Walmart Health and Wellness Pharmacy, said in a post on his LinkedIn page that the openings are part of the company's Specialty Pharmacies of the Community program.

The highly trained pharmacists and pharmacy staff at specialty pharmacies provide enhanced care coordination, nutrition counseling, emotional support services and other aspects of care.

All specialty pharmacies are inside Walmart stores.

Walmart had more than 80 HIV-focused specialty pharmacies across 11 states at the end of 2023.

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