USA Rice Federation makes Arkansan board chairman

Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/BENJAMIN KRAIN --09/24/15--.A farmer harvests a rice field near Stuttgart.
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/BENJAMIN KRAIN --09/24/15--.A farmer harvests a rice field near Stuttgart.

USA Rice Federation's board of directors elected Keith Glover, president and chief executive officer of Producer's Rice Mill, to succeed board chair Kirk Satterfield, a Mississippi rice farmer.

"We are a resilient, strong, and forward-looking industry, and we will tackle our issues head on and united," Glover, of Carlisle, said, according to a report in the Stuttgart Daily News.

The election came at the federation's summer meeting in early July.

"My priorities are to see a Farm Bill through that improves the farm safety net through a long-overdue adjustment of reference prices, the continued focus on the U.S. rice industry's world-leading climate commitments, and working to insure the long term sustainability of our great industry," Glover said.

Glover has worked at Producer's Rice Mill for 42 years and was chair of the USA Rice Millers' Association board of directors from 2020 to 2022, the Stuttgart Daily News reported.

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