Tyson Foods Inc. to post quarterly report on Monday; Walmart stores add hot dog restaurant

FILE - In this Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2009, file photo, a Tyson Foods, Inc., truck is parked at a food warehouse in Little Rock.
FILE - In this Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2009, file photo, a Tyson Foods, Inc., truck is parked at a food warehouse in Little Rock.

Steep gain expected in Tyson's 3Q report

Analysts are predicting a steep increase in quarterly earnings for Tyson Foods Inc. when the company posts its third quarter report on Monday.

According to Zacks Equity Research, the Springdale-based company is estimated to post an earnings per share of $0.61, compared to $0.15 per share in 2023.

Tyson's estimated revenue is predicted to be $13.7 billion, a 0.2% increase from the same time period the prior year.

Analysts are predicting Tyson's chicken sales total to reach $4.21 billion, unchanged from a year ago.

The company's beef sales are expected to hit $4.76 billion, down 3.9% compared to last year.

Prepared foods are estimated to reach $2.46 billion, up 3.0% compared to the same quarter in 2023, and pork sales are predicted to hit $1.42

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