Building Permits

Building permits for the Little Rock metro area; projects valued at $75,000 or more.


Kinco Constructors, 6601 Scott Hamilton Drive, Little Rock, $1,764,122.

Jones Development, 4500 W. 65th St., Little Rock, $500,000.

Nidia Cochran, 11800 Stagecoach Road, Little Rock, $400,000.

Phuc Pham, 219 W. Capitol Ave., UA, Little Rock, $84,000.

Nabholz Const. Corp., 6300 Murray St., Little Rock, $82,000.

Brian Axis Management, 1506 Market St., Little Rock, $80,000.


Willmark Homes, Inc., 4820 Stonewall Road, Little Rock, $1,500,000.

Reliance Design & Construction, 13101 Ridgehaven Road, Little Rock, $600,000.

KHC, Inc., 5005 Bella Rosa Drive, Little Rock, $450,000.

Perrymore Construction, 5412 Centerwood Road, Little Rock, $360,000.

Shannon Mitchell, 458 Valley Club Circle, Little Rock, $159,650.

1m Haney Contractors, 11780 Rivercrest Drive, Little Rock, $85,000.

Mr. James Residential Inn, 8813 Old Spanish Trail, Little Rock, $75,000.

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