ENTERTAINMENT: Weeklong ‘Work of Art’ honors Porter father, son

The String Queens — (from left) Dawn Johnson, viola; Elise Sharp, cello; and Kendall Isadore, violin — headline Saturday's Scholarship Program finale of Art Porter Music Education Inc.'s 14th “A Work of Art” at the Center for Humanities and Arts Theatre at the University of Arkansas-Pulaski Technical College main campus in North Little Rock.

(Special to the Democrat-Gazette)
The String Queens — (from left) Dawn Johnson, viola; Elise Sharp, cello; and Kendall Isadore, violin — headline Saturday's Scholarship Program finale of Art Porter Music Education Inc.'s 14th “A Work of Art” at the Center for Humanities and Arts Theatre at the University of Arkansas-Pulaski Technical College main campus in North Little Rock. (Special to the Democrat-Gazette)


'A Work of Art'

The String Queens -- Kendall Isadore, violin; Dawn Johnson, viola; and Elise Sharp, cello, whose repertoire spans from the Baroque era to the Jazz Age to today's Billboard Hot 100 Chart -- headline the Scholarship Program finale of Art Porter Music Education Inc.'s 14th "A Work of Art," 8 p.m. Saturday at the Center for Humanities and Arts Theatre at the University of Arkansas-Pulaski Technical College main campus, 3000 W. Scenic Drive, North Little Rock.

Tickets are $65-$75.

The show will also include special performances by the APME All-Stars and will introduce the 2024 recipient of the APME's $3,000 renewable scholarship: Emily Wheeler, a graduating senior from Van Buren High School and first-chair bassoonist in the Van Buren High School band.

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