Heart postpones remainder of tour, including Oct. 12 Simmons Bank Arena show

Heart has announced the postponement of the remainder of its Royal Flush Tour, including an Oct. 12 concert at North Little Rock's Simmons Bank Arena. (Special to the Democrat-Gazette/Criss Cain)
Heart has announced the postponement of the remainder of its Royal Flush Tour, including an Oct. 12 concert at North Little Rock's Simmons Bank Arena. (Special to the Democrat-Gazette/Criss Cain)

Rock band Heart has postponed the remaining shows in its Royal Flush Tour, including an Oct. 12 concert at North Little Rock's Simmons Bank Arena, after band member Ann Wilson announced she is recovering from cancer.

Information on when shows will be rescheduled is due in coming weeks. All previously purchased tickets will be honored, according to a tour news release. An arena spokeswoman said North Little Rock would be on the planned North American tour itinerary when it resumes.

Wilson issued this public statement:

"Dear friends,

"I underwent an operation to remove something that, as it turns out, was cancerous.

"The operation was successful & I'm feeling great but my doctors are now advising me to undergo a course of preventive chemotherapy & I've decided to do it.


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