ENTERTAINMENT: Old State House photo exhibit gets 2nd ‘opening’ on 2nd Friday Art Night

Stephen Lanford's “Cheap Sunglasses,” “A Quiet Place,” “A Door of Perception,” “Bee Beautiful,” “How You Doing” and “Into the Dunes” are part of the “Oil and Water” exhibit at Little Rock's Christ Episcopal Church Gallery.

(Special to the Democrat-Gazette/Stephen Lanford)
Stephen Lanford's “Cheap Sunglasses,” “A Quiet Place,” “A Door of Perception,” “Bee Beautiful,” “How You Doing” and “Into the Dunes” are part of the “Oil and Water” exhibit at Little Rock's Christ Episcopal Church Gallery. (Special to the Democrat-Gazette/Stephen Lanford)


Meripol reception redux

The Old State House, 300 W. Markham St., Little Rock, will hold a second opening reception for its exhibit, "Music in Focus: The Lens of Art Meripol" as part of 2nd Friday Art Night, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Friday. Meripol will visit with guests and discuss his body of concert photography; he will also conduct additional gallery talks at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Saturday. Admission is free. Visit oldstatehouse.com.

'Oil and Water'

"Oil and Water," oil and watercolor paintings on paper and panel by Stephen Lanford, goes on display Friday with a 5-7 p.m. reception (including music and refreshments) in the Parish House Gallery at Christ Episcopal Church, 509 Scott St., Little Rock. The exhibition remains up through Sept. 30; Lanford's artworks will be available for sale.

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