Local notes: Artistic Innovations Awards announced

The Fayetteville/Springdale Elks Lodge provided a birthday cake, drinks, and cards for eight veterans from the Fayetteville Veterans Home with July birthdays. Fourteen veterans attended. Sarah Polk, a Junior at the University of Arkansas and an Elks Legacy Scholarship winner, brought cards with hand-written messages and assisted with the event. Sarah Polk, volunteer, helps veterans Napoleon Williams (from left), James McAdo and Chester Powlowski celebrate their July birthdays.

(Courtesy Photo)
The Fayetteville/Springdale Elks Lodge provided a birthday cake, drinks, and cards for eight veterans from the Fayetteville Veterans Home with July birthdays. Fourteen veterans attended. Sarah Polk, a Junior at the University of Arkansas and an Elks Legacy Scholarship winner, brought cards with hand-written messages and assisted with the event. Sarah Polk, volunteer, helps veterans Napoleon Williams (from left), James McAdo and Chester Powlowski celebrate their July birthdays. (Courtesy Photo)

American Red Cross Blood Drives

The American Red Cross urges donors to give blood now to reinforce the blood supply as much as possible before the summer winds down. Type O blood donors and those giving platelets are especially needed to help keep hospital shelves stocked through August.

Donors remain critically needed to support the Red Cross delivery of vital blood products, which are in demand around-the-clock as hospitals work to save lives this summer. When fewer people answer the call to donate, the blood supply can quickly shrink. Help safeguard necessary care for patients -- book a time to give blood by visiting RedCrossBlood.org, calling 1 (800) RED CROSS or by using the Red Cross Blood Donor App.

Those who come to give Aug.

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