Club news: Program on Confederate General “Extra Billy” Smith to take place Aug. 1 at Bella Vista Historical Museum

Linda Ralston's “patriotic” photograph received first place in the Bella Vista Photography Club's July challenge.

(Submitted Photo)
Linda Ralston's “patriotic” photograph received first place in the Bella Vista Photography Club's July challenge. (Submitted Photo)

Bella Vista Civil War Round Table

The Bella Vista Civil War Round Table program will be "Confederate General William 'Extra Billy' Smith: From Virginia's Statehouse to Gettysburg Scapegoat" presented by Scott Mingus. The program will be held at 7 p.m. Aug. 1 at the Bella Vista Historical Museum, 1885 Bella Vista Way. Mingus will hold a book sale and signing from 3 to 5 p.m.

Information: (479) 855-2335, or

Benton County Master Gardeners

Benton County Master Gardeners will meet at 6 p.m. Aug. 5 with social time starting at 5:30 p.m. at the Bentonville Church of Christ located at 816 NW 8th St., Bentonville and is open to the public.

Master Gardeners are volunteers who are trained in horticulture and share their training by participating in community projects including a vegetable garden that benefits the Helping Hands Food Pantry.

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