Bingo Bash has grown to be ACCESS' largest fundraiser with around 350 people marking their cards and hoping to yell Bingo! This is the 17th year for the event held July 18 at The Hall.
Partygoers enjoyed a buffet dinner by Adam's Catfish. In addition to having a chance of winning a fabulous prize at one of 10 bingo games, guests had a chance to win one of several prizes from a raffle. These included A Day at the Races at Oaklawn, an Arkansas Razorback Sports Package and a Fireside Movie Night which included a fire pit, projector and screen. Lance Restum of the Arkansas Travelers Youth Foundation served as emcee.
The event is hosted by ACCESS in Action, a young professionals group that volunteers and advocates for the mission of the nonprofit which offers evaluation services, full-time education, training and activities for individuals with special needs.
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