Avery Newmark The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (TNS)
There's a lot to consider when planning a vacation: plane tickets, car rentals, food, lodging and other expenses. However, the last things you want to encounter are hidden fees and surprise expenses, often associated with booking accommodations through Airbnb. In cities like Atlanta, where fees can add an average of 48% to your Airbnb stay, exploring alternates can save you money and offer unique experiences.
Whether you're looking for luxury, transparency or adventure, there's an option to suit your needs and budget. Check out these alternatives to Airbnb for finding your next vacation rental.
Sonder bridges the gap between hotels and homes by offering well-maintained apartment rentals with hotel-like services. This short-term rental company features mobile-first service for seamless check-ins, neighborhood guides and in-app requests for towels or toiletries.
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