
OPINION | Curtis Varnell: Some of the largest and sweetest watermelons found are produced in the state

Black diamond watermelon

(Courtesy Photo)
Black diamond watermelon (Courtesy Photo)

Watermelons and summertime are synonymous with memories for most of us in Arkansas.

By late July, farmers began checking under the dark green vines, watching as the big melons rapidly expand and ripen. Kids began thumping the melons, hoping for the deep bass sound they felt indicated that the melon was sweet and ready to sample.

More adept growers rotated the melons, checking the expansion of the yellow underside to more accurately determine the quality of the melon. Whatever the method, when the big day arrived when the melons were dark red, sweet and juicy were times to be remembered.

Arkansas has always had a fondness for the melons; possibly because some of the largest and sweetest watermelons found are produced in the state.

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