Little Rock’s high-end home sales for July 1-5: Six of the most expensive properties

$2.5 million. 7 Spring Valley Lane. Owned by CBM Appraisals Inc., a house behind this gate was sold to Elizabeth and Peter Gleason. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Thomas Metthe)
$2.5 million. 7 Spring Valley Lane. Owned by CBM Appraisals Inc., a house behind this gate was sold to Elizabeth and Peter Gleason. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Thomas Metthe)

Pictured here are six of the most expensive houses sold in Little Rock during the week of July 1-5. 

"Sold" refers to the date on which the real estate deed was recorded by the Pulaski County circuit clerk, irrespective of the actual sale date.

  photo $1.38 million. 67 Sologne Circle on Monday, April 18, 2022. Owned by Laxmi Thummalakunta and the Avyay Trust, a house behind this gate — at  208 Sologne Court — was sold to Jennifer and Jonathan Dotson. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Stephen Swofford)

  photo $1.075 million. 23 La Scala Court. Owned by ParFour LLC, a house behind this gate was sold to Rebecca and James Jones and the Buddy and Rebecca Jones Living Trust. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Colin Murphey)
  photo  $1,052,280. 14 Deauville Circle. Owned by Kelly and Jon Carnahan and the Carnahan Living Trust, a house behind this gate — at 18 Deauville Circle — was sold to Jennifer and Jordan Greer.
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