FROM OLD TO NEW: United Cerebral Palsy of Arkansas gets new name, celebrates 65th birthday

Blakeley and Lola Nolte at the UCP of Arkansas 65th birthday celebration and launch of its new name, Achieve Community Alliance, on July 25, 2024, at Nexus Coffee & Creative in Little Rock.(Special to the Democrat-Gazette -- Lucy Baehr)
Blakeley and Lola Nolte at the UCP of Arkansas 65th birthday celebration and launch of its new name, Achieve Community Alliance, on July 25, 2024, at Nexus Coffee & Creative in Little Rock.(Special to the Democrat-Gazette -- Lucy Baehr)

United Cerebral Palsy of Arkansas celebrated its 65th birthday, and its new name, at a July 25 party at Nexus Coffee & Creative at Little Rock.

Officials of what has been rebranded as Achieve Community Alliance welcomed board members, friends and clients to the event. Guests enjoyed refreshments while perusing photos going back to the early days of UCP, listening to brief remarks and viewing a short video that showcased the goal and mission of the agency.

That mission "is to advance the independence, productivity, and full citizenship of people with disabilities" through services that include adult rehabilitation, supportive employment, community living arrangement, an inclusive preschool and therapeutic services.

-- Photos by Lucy Baehr

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