CLARKSVILLE -- A Clarksville man has been arrested on charges of manslaughter, driving while intoxicated and driving on a suspended license after the April 13 death of his girlfriend in a one-vehicle crash on Arkansas 352.
Daniel Lynn Havens Jr., 31, of Clarksville was arrested Thursday and was being held Friday in the Johnson County jail.
According to an affidavit filed in Johnson County Circuit Court, an officer was called to a report of a single-vehicle crash on Arkansas 352 in Clarksville about 9:30 p.m. April 13. The officer found a vehicle upside-down on the south side of the highway.
The officer made contact with the driver, Havens, and reported that his speech was incoherent. A woman later identified as Makalya Prince, 24, of Clarksville was found dead under the vehicle.
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