Benton woman faces attempted-murder charge after attempt to run over minor, police say

Daisha McCuien
Daisha McCuien

A woman was arrested on an attempted murder charge Friday evening after, police said, she attempted to run over a minor who had struck her vehicle in the parking lot of Home Depot in Benton.

Daisha McCuien, 24, of Benton faces one count of of attempted first-degree murder, four counts of aggravated assault, one count of battery, four counts of endangering the welfare of a minor and one count of reckless driving, according to a news release from Benton police.

McCuien's vehicle had been struck by another vehicle in the parking lot of the store at 17060 Interstate 30, the release says. The incident involved several minors, and McCuien's vehicle was unoccupied at the time, the release says.

Officers responded to the incident at about 6:45 p.m.

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