LR Police ID victim in killing, question suspect

Little Rock police on Monday identified the man shot dead Saturday night and announced that detectives had questioned a juvenile suspect before submitting the case to a prosecutor for review.

Officers responding at 9:01 p.m. to a report of a shooting in the parking lot at 6600 Lancaster Road, the address of the Rosewood Apartments, found Xavier Sanders, 20, of Little Rock shot, a police incident report states.

Sanders died at the scene shortly after police arrived.

While police were still at the scene, a 17-year-old boy approached them and said he was who they were looking for, the report states. The report lists him as an acquaintance of Sanders and lists each of them as both suspects and victims.

Police questioned the teenager and released him without charges until a prosecutor can review the case file and determine if criminal charges are warranted in the homicide, the report states, a process known as file review.

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