Police identify mother, son found dead near Mayflower church

Crime scene tape is shown in this 2021 file photo. (AP Photo/C.B. Schmelter)
Crime scene tape is shown in this 2021 file photo. (AP Photo/C.B. Schmelter)

A mother and son were found dead near a church in Mayflower on Tuesday, police said.

45-year-old Jalesha Jeffery and Antonio Simmons, 24, both of Conway, were found dead with gunshot wounds in the parking lot of the First Baptist Church of Mayflower, located at located at 4 Arkansas 89 North, the department said in a Facebook post on Wednesday afternoon.

Officers found them after being called to the church around 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday while responding to a welfare check, an earlier post said.

“Investigators recovered two firearms and other items of evidentiary value from the scene,” the post stated Wednesday.

Jeffery's and Simmons’ bodies were sent to the Arkansas State Crime Labratory, police said. The department is awaiting results.

Police said that, as of Wednesday afternoon, they do not believe there were any other parties involved in the incident.


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