Man arrested in December double homicide in Wilmar

The Arkansas State Police said Wednesday they had arrested a McGehee man who was wanted in connection with a December double homicide in Wilmar.

State police around 7:25 p.m. Tuesday pulled over a vehicle in Lake Village in which Taiwan Collins Jr., 25, was a passenger, a state police news release states.

Troopers arrested Collins, who was wanted by Monticello police in connection with the Dec. 3, 2023, shooting deaths of Suquorey Pitts Jr., 25, of Dumas and Independence Young, 21, of McGehee, the report states.

Drew County deputies around 2:30 a.m. on Dec. 3 arrived at the old Wilmar School on North Fifth Street and found Pitts dead in the front passenger seat of a vehicle parked in the school's driveway and Young lying in the street, the release states.

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