Candidates file for office in Benton, Washington and Sebastian counties

A roll of voting stickers is seen on Election Day, Tuesday, May 24, 2022, at the Elm Grove Community Center at Martin Luther King Jr. Park in Fort Smith. Voters in Sebastian County cast their ballots for several primary, county, city and school board races, as well as special tax elections. 
(NWA Democrat-Gazette/Hank Layton)
A roll of voting stickers is seen on Election Day, Tuesday, May 24, 2022, at the Elm Grove Community Center at Martin Luther King Jr. Park in Fort Smith. Voters in Sebastian County cast their ballots for several primary, county, city and school board races, as well as special tax elections. (NWA Democrat-Gazette/Hank Layton)

The following candidates filed for offices in cities with mayor-council forms of government in Benton, Sebastian and Washington counties. Candidates listed in Sebastian County filed Wednesday. Candidates listed in Benton and Washington counties filed Thursday. Crawford County has yet to provide filing lists from Wednesday or Thursday.

Filing began at noon Wednesday and ends at noon Aug. 7.

Candidates will be on the ballot during the general election Nov. 5. Early voting begins Oct. 21. The deadline to register to vote in the general election is Oct. 6.

An * denotes an incumbent.


Benton County

Bella Vista

City Council

Ward 1, Position 1

Travis Harp



Stephanie Orman*

City Council

Ward 1, Position 2

Gayatri Agnew*

Cave Springs

City Council

Ward 3, Position 2

Erica Velasquez*


City Council

Ward 3, Position 1

Joshua Hagan


City Council

Ward 1, Position 2

Randy Boone*



Christal Allen*


City Council

Position 2

Steve Guck*


City Council

Ward 1, Position 2

Jeff A.

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