New concerns arise over rally shooting

Sources: Trump’s team never got alert

Former president Donald Trump walks onstage during a campaign rally in Butler, Pa., on July 13. MUST CREDIT: Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post
Former president Donald Trump walks onstage during a campaign rally in Butler, Pa., on July 13. MUST CREDIT: Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post

Members of former President Donald Trump's Secret Service detail and his top advisers have privately questioned why they were not informed that local police were tracking a suspicious person before that person opened fire on Trump at his July 13 rally in western Pennsylvania, according to people with direct knowledge of the concerns.

Approximately 20 to 25 minutes before Thomas Matthew Crooks shot at the former president, local countersnipers noticed him behaving strangely and sent his photograph to a command center staffed by state troopers and Secret Service agents, the head of Pennsylvania State Police told a congressional committee Tuesday.

Members of the Secret Service detail that protects Trump and was with him backstage have complained to confidantes and others inside the agency that they were never made aware of that warning, said three people who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive conversations about that day.

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