González says he has proof Maduro lost disputed election
July 30, 2024 at 4:00 a.m.
Compiled byDemocrat-Gazette stafffrom wire reports
CARACAS, Venezuela -- As thousands of people demonstrated across Venezuela, opposition candidate Edmundo González on Monday announced that his campaign has the proof it needs to show he won the country's disputed election, after electoral authorities handed the victory to President Nicolás Maduro.
González and opposition leader Maria Corina Machado told reporters they have obtained more than 70% of tally sheets from Sunday's election, and they show González with more than double Maduro's votes. Both called on people, some of whom protested in the hours after Maduro was declared the winner, to remain calm and invited them to gather peacefully at 11 a.m. Tuesday to celebrate the results.
"I speak to you with the calmness of the truth," González said as dozens of supporters cheered outside campaign headquarters in the capital, Caracas.
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