Orman to seek reelection as Bentonville mayor

Bentonville Mayor Stephanie Orman speaks April 26, 2023, at the downtown square in Bentonville.
(File Photo/NWA Democrat-Gazette/Charlie Kaijo)
Bentonville Mayor Stephanie Orman speaks April 26, 2023, at the downtown square in Bentonville. (File Photo/NWA Democrat-Gazette/Charlie Kaijo)

BENTONVILLE -- The mayor said she will continue the city's positive momentum if voters give her another four years in the Nov. 5 general election.

Stephanie Orman announced she will run for reelection at an event at the Meteor Guitar Gallery in downtown Bentonville Tuesday.

Orman, 49, was elected mayor in 2018 and is serving her first term.

Steve Galen, a Bentonville resident and retired businessman, announced his candidacy for the mayor position in June.

The standard term for the position is four years with no term limits, but Orman's current term was extended to six years under Arkansas law. A state law adopted in 1997 puts the mayoral races for cities with at least 50,000 people in the presidential election year cycle. Bentonville broke the threshold with the 2020 census count, reaching 54,164 residents.


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