Multiple candidates file for municipal offices in Washington and Benton counties

(File Photo/NWA Democrat-Gazette/J.T. Wampler)
(File Photo/NWA Democrat-Gazette/J.T. Wampler)

The following candidates filed for offices in cities with mayor-council forms of government in Benton and Washington counties on Wednesday. Filings in Crawford and Sebastian counties were not available as of press time Wednesday.

The filing period was the same for some education-related races, which are listed below.

Filing began at noon Wednesday and ends at noon Aug. 7.

Candidates will be on the ballot during the general election Nov. 5. Early voting begins Oct. 21. The deadline to register to vote in the general election is Oct. 6.

An * denotes an incumbent.


Benton County

Bella Vista

City Council

Ward 1, Position 1

Jerry Snow*

Joel Steinle


City Clerk

Malorie Marrs*


Steven William Galen

City Council

Ward 2, Position 2

Chris W. Sooter*

Ward 3, Position 2

W.P. "Bill" Burckart*

Ward 4, Position 2

Holly Hook*

Cave Springs

City Council

Ward 3, Position 1

Howard M.

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