TELEVISION: Hope, robots, Crudup power ‘Hello Tomorrow!’
February 16, 2023 at 1:31 a.m.
Mark Kennedy, The Associated Press
NEW YORK — Blink and you might miss it, but a man wearing a business suit and a jetpack casually blasts off in the first episode of the new series "Hello Tomorrow!"
He waves to his wife outside his suburban home and soars into the sky. Below him is a fascinating mix of '50s-era cars with tail fins that hover over the ground and robots that do everything from walk the dog to deliver mail.
If seems like the utopia we always dreamed about until we see a driverless truck accidentally smash into a homeowner. Not all is perfect in this futuristic world — and the creators want it that way, studded with misery and human quirks.
"Utopias terrify us," said Lucas Jansen, who co-created the show with Amit Bhalla.
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