TELEVISION: ‘Reluctant Traveler’ star Levy the perfect host
February 23, 2023 at 1:31 a.m.
Luaine Lee, Tribune News Service
Actor Eugene Levy thought he was up against the real "Schitt's Creek" when he was offered his latest job. The producers at AppleTV+ wanted him to host a travel show. There was one minor problem: Levy doesn't like traveling.
"It's not that I hated traveling," he insists. "I just didn't love traveling. I never loved traveling. I don't love the airport experience. I'm not a fan of sightseeing generally. So, when I get there, it's just like a long trip with much too much planned in a day, and it didn't really mean that much to me. So, I'm not a great traveler. I don't have a great sense of adventure. I'm not curious by nature. I'm not proud of any of this, but it's just a fact," he shrugs.
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