The new project from Epiphany "Big Piph" Morrow finds the rapper and hip-hop ambassador tackling a new medium — the small screen.
"Far From Finished" is an eight-part, mockumentary style web series created by Piph and directed by Kenneth Bell that follows a fictionalized version of Piph as he tries to figure out what's next in his life while being filmed by a crew for a show called "The Kusp," about artists on the verge of breaking out.
The first two episodes debut Wednesday on his YouTube page, his facebook page and at Episodes, which are about eight minutes long, will be released each Wednesday after that, with the final two debuting April 19.
The opening graphic bills it as "100% real (but kinda not) docuseries," and the meta, fourth-wall-breaking style is like that of "The Office" or "Abbott Elementary."
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