TELEVISION: Loyalty, affection threatened in ‘Among Friends’
March 16, 2023 at 1:31 a.m.
Mark Kennedy, The Associated Press
NEW YORK — A main character in "A Spy Among Friends" is one of the Soviet Union's most notorious double agents. But you don't need to know anything about him — or really about spying in general — to enjoy the show.
The MGM+ series starring Damian Lewis and Guy Pearce dramatizes the true story of two British spies and lifelong friends, Nicholas Elliott (Lewis) and Kim Philby (Pearce.) The latter became a notorious British defector. But it's the personal betrayal that the creators hope to explore, not stolen microfilm or dead drops.
"We're not principally telling a spy story. We're telling a story about friendship. This is a series about friendship among people who happen to be in the espionage business," says director Nick Murphy.
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