TELEVISION: Army veteran stars in ‘Quantum Leap’ reboot
March 21, 2023 at 2:13 a.m.
Mark Kennedy, The Associated Press
NEW YORK — Caitlin Bassett plays a woman who jumps through time and space on NBC's "Quantum Leap," a fitting job for an actor who has lived many lives already.
Bassett, who spent seven years in the U.S. Army then attended law school and later acting school, now finds herself on a hit TV show.
"I think part of growing up is owning what you want to do and trying it and being like, 'If I fail, well, that's on me. But at least I tried,'" says Bassett, 32.
Bassett was an intelligence analyst in the Army, attaining the rank of staff sergeant, and completed three combat deployments — two to Afghanistan and one to Qatar. She is grateful to the military for all that it nurtured in her.
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