TELEVISION: PBS doc covers career of Dr. Anthony Fauci

Dr. Anthony Fauci speaks in a scene from the documentary “American Masters: Dr. Tony Fauci,” which premiered Tuesday on PBS. (AP/PBS/American Masters Pictures)
Dr. Anthony Fauci speaks in a scene from the documentary “American Masters: Dr. Tony Fauci,” which premiered Tuesday on PBS. (AP/PBS/American Masters Pictures)

NEW YORK — There's a moment in the new documentary about Dr. Anthony Fauci when a protester holds up a handmade sign reading, "Dr. Fauci, You Are Killing Us."

It says something about Fauci that it's not initially clear when that sign was waved in anger — in the 1980s as AIDS made its deadly rise or in the 2020s with covid-19 vaccine opponents.

"American Masters: Dr. Tony Fauci," now streaming on PBS, offers a portrait of an unlikely lightning rod: a government infectious disease scientist who advised seven presidents. Fauci hopes it can inspire more public servants like him.

"I just felt that there needed to be a story of people understanding what public health officials go through, but also I hope as a source of inspiration for young people who are either in science or interested in going into science," he said.


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