FILM NOTES: Black ballerina to show ‘Flower’ doc

Misty Copeland was the the first Black female principal dancer at American Ballet Theatre. "Flower," her documentary, screens Wednesday at Bentonville's Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, part of this year's Bentonville Film Festival.
(Matt Licari/Invision/AP)
Misty Copeland was the the first Black female principal dancer at American Ballet Theatre. "Flower," her documentary, screens Wednesday at Bentonville's Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, part of this year's Bentonville Film Festival. (Matt Licari/Invision/AP)

Misty conversation

The Bentonville Film Festival, in partnership with Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art and the African American Film Critics' Association, hosts "Shaping the Narrative: A Conversation with Misty Copeland," 6:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Great Hall of the museum, 600 Museum Way, Bentonville. It follows a 6 p.m. screening of Copeland's documentary "Flower." The screening and conversation are part of the festival, Monday-June 16. Tickets are $30; visit Copeland is a principal dancer with American Ballet Theatre; she was the first Black woman to be promoted to that position in the company's 75-year history in 2015.


100th Anniversary

Fathom Events joins Columbia Pictures in marking the studio's 100th anniversary with screenings of Oscar winners:

◼️ Steven Spielberg's definitive director's cut of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," July 7, 3 and 7 p.m.

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