ENTERTAINMENT: Museum presents ‘Berlin Airlift’ film; AAC awards grants

The "Berlin Airlift" of 1948-49 broke through the Soviet blockade of the city via non-stop supply shipments to beleaguered garrisons and the population of more than 2 million civilians in West Berlin.

(Special to the Democrat-Gazette/Library of Congress)
The "Berlin Airlift" of 1948-49 broke through the Soviet blockade of the city via non-stop supply shipments to beleaguered garrisons and the population of more than 2 million civilians in West Berlin. (Special to the Democrat-Gazette/Library of Congress)


'Berlin Airlift' screens

The MacArthur Museum of Arkansas Military History, 503 E. Ninth St., Little Rock, screens the 2007 documentary "The Berlin Airlift," 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. The film documents how the United States and United Kingdom airlifted food and fuel to Berlin from Allied airbases in western Germany after the Soviet Union blocked rail, road and water access to Allied-controlled areas of Berlin. It's part of the museum's "Movies at MacArthur" series. Admission, popcorn and soft beverages are free. Call (501) 376-4602.


Fellowship grants

The Arkansas Arts Council is awarding 18 Individual Artist Fellowship grants of $5,000 each to "creatives living and working in Arkansas," according to a news release.

The recipients:

Performing Arts: Fashion and/or Costume Design

◼️ Bryant Phelan of Little Rock, owner/designer at O'Faolain Leathers

◼️ Brandy Harris of Fayetteville, creative head at Big Sister Studio

◼️ Kristen Franyutti of Jonesboro, an assistant professor of drawing and fiber at Arkansas State University.

Literary Arts: Novel or Memoir Writing

◼️ Journalist Michael Ray Taylor of Arkadelphia, whose work has appeared in Sports Illustrated, The New York Times, Outside, The Houston Chronicle and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette and who is the author of four nonfiction books on nature and science, most recently the memoir "Hidden Nature"

◼️ M.

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