FILMSCENE | OPINION: Bentonville Film Festival stresses diversity
June 20, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.
AL TOPICH Special to the Democrat-Gazette
Every time I talk about the Bentonville Film Festival, I need to add a qualifier or two. I usually tell people that it's "not an Arkansas film festival" and that its goals are more broad and surpass the needs of the local filmmaking community. In fact, the reason for its existence is fairly simple: to help promote diversity on screen and behind the camera by focusing on films made by women, gay and disabled filmmakers.
This past weekend marked the 10-year anniversary for the festival and the collaboration between the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media and the festival's primary sponsor, Walmart. The event was a weeklong celebration of diversity in film, but like most film festivals, the lineup was a bit of a crap shoot.
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