Red Wolves’ 2nd-half rally falls short

JONESBORO -- Noah Freidel scored 19 points and collected 10 rebounds as James Madison survived a late rally to defeat Arkansas State's men 77-73 at First National Bank Arena on Wednesday night.

The Red Wolves were unable to overcome a 16-point second-half deficit. Terrence Edwards Jr. also had 14 points and seven rebounds for the Dukes (21-3, 9-3 Sun Belt Conference).

"We played probably 16 or 17 minutes of good basketball and that's not nearly enough to beat a good team," Arkansas State Coach Bryan Hodgson said. "I thought in the first half we played passive, we didn't play to win. In the second half, we played like we wanted to win, but unfortunately, we put ourselves down 13 coming out [of halftime]."


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