TUSCALOOSA, Ala. -- With the outright SEC lead in jeopardy, Alabama dug out of a double-digit hole before finally taking control in overtime.
Grant Nelson had 22 points, 8 rebounds and 6 blocked shots and No. 13 Alabama started fast in OT to beat newly ranked No. 24 Florida 98-93 on Wednesday night.
The Crimson Tide (19-7, 11-2) scored the first seven points of overtime and held on to preserve their perch atop the league standings over No. 5 Tennessee after a shootout between two of the nation's top 10 scoring teams.
Alabama Coach Nate Oats said he was "still not quite sure how we figured out how to win it."
"We're figuring out ways to win games," Oats said. "If you're going to win league championships, which we're obviously in the hunt for with five games left, these are the games that you've got to figure out ways to win when you don't play well."
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