Sugar Bears’ run in fourth not enough to stop Billikens
March 22, 2024 at 2:07 a.m.
Sam Lane
CONWAY -- There was no storybook ending for the University of Central Arkansas.
The Sugar Bears fell 66-61 to Saint Louis in the first round of the WNIT on Thursday night at the Farris Center, ending their 14-game winning streak at home and putting to bed the program's first winning season since 2017-18.
"Nobody thought that our group would be sitting in that locker room tonight basically disappointed about how our year ended," Central Arkansas Coach Tony Kemper said. "You're in a really good place when that's the feeling in there.
"We didn't want to [just] be here, we wanted to win."
The season -- with a roster built from scratch, under a first-year coach -- nearly came to an unceremonious end. But the Sugar Bears gave their fans one last run to cheer for.
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