CONWAY -- Nine days after signing on, John Shulman was officially introduced to the public Wednesday evening as the new head coach of the University of Central Arkansas men's basketball team.
Shulman, 57, joins the Bears after five seasons at Alabama-Huntsville, where he led the Chargers to a 112-39 record and five consecutive NCAA Division II Tournament berths.
With that success, paired with two NCAA Tournament berths in his nine seasons at Tennessee-Chattanooga from 2004-13, in mind, Shulman didn't shy away from his lofty expectations of a program that has reached the NCAA Tournament.
"We're going to win a lot of games," he said. "I'm just going to promise you, we're going to cut down the nets. I'm not sure when, but we're going to cut down the nets, and we're going to the show.
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