Former Bears step forward during pro day

Former UCA cornerback Andrew Hayes (1), shown breaking up a pass in September against Abilene Christian’s T.J. Marshall, participated in the Bears’ pro day Wednesday along with four others.
(Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Colin Murphey)
Former UCA cornerback Andrew Hayes (1), shown breaking up a pass in September against Abilene Christian’s T.J. Marshall, participated in the Bears’ pro day Wednesday along with four others. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Colin Murphey)

CONWAY -- Andrew Hayes lived out a childhood dream Wednesday morning.

As one of five former University of Central Arkansas football players, Hayes participated in the Bears' pro day Wednesday in front of representatives from three NFL franchises -- the Los Angeles Chargers, Jacksonville Jaguars and Green Bay Packers.

Hayes said the experience took him back to the Madden 12 video game, when he and friends would go through combine drills like the college stars they saw on television.

"We grew up watching pro days," Hayes said. "We watched pro days, combines every year and [would] do like a little draft evaluation. So to be able to participate in it for myself, it was just kind of mind-blowing."

Hayes, a cornerback, was joined by teammates Cameron Godfrey, a safety, wide receivers Jarrod Barnes and Christian Richmond, and defensive tackle Jace McCoy.


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