Five members of the University of Arkansas-Little Rock wrestling team will compete at the NCAA Championships, which start today at the T-Mobile Center in Kansas City, Mo.
The No. 18 Trojans took second at the Pac-12 Conference meet March 10, finishing a spot behind Arizona State in what has been the most successful season in the five-year history of the UALR program.
Three Trojans won individual conference titles.
Freshman Nasir Bailey won the conference championship at 133 pounds with an 8-3 decision over Arizona State's Julian Chelbove. Bailey was also named "Wrestler of the Meet."
UALR's Joseph Bianchi won the 165-pound title after a 2-1 win over Stanford's Hunter Garvin in the final, and Stephen Little defeated Oregon State's Justin Radenmacher 175 for the 197-pound title.
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