A ninth-inning rally wasn't good enough to rescue the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff from a loss at the Torii Hunter Complex in Pine Bluff.
Texas Southern (12-18, 4-9 Southwestern Athletic Conference) took a 9-1 lead into the ninth until the Golden Lions made a last-ditch effort at a comeback. UAPB (13-20, 8-3) scored two runs off a throwing error to get within 9-3 before Jalyn Williams blasted a two-out, three-run home run to inch closer.
However, Dade Hensley, who came on in relief, struck out Edwin DeLaCruz to end the game.
Jaden Jones went 4 for 5 with 2 runs batted in and 2 runs for the Tigers. Michael Goudeau also had 4 hits in 5 at-bats with 2 RBI.
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