Ex-Arkansas State football player arrested, charged with fatally poisoning pregnant girlfriend, unborn child

Blaise Taylor, then a cornerback for Arkansas State University, poses for a photo during Arkansas State Football Media Day at Centennial Bank Stadium in Jonesboro in this July 28, 2017 file photo. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette file photo)
Blaise Taylor, then a cornerback for Arkansas State University, poses for a photo during Arkansas State Football Media Day at Centennial Bank Stadium in Jonesboro in this July 28, 2017 file photo. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette file photo)

A former Arkansas State University football player has been arrested on two counts of first-degree murder in the poisoning and death of his pregnant girlfriend and her unborn child, according to police in Nashville, Tenn.

Blaise Taylor, 27, is accused of poisoning Jade Benning, 25, last year in Nashville, which led to the death of her 5-month-old fetus on Feb. 27, 2023, and her death on March 6, 2023, the Metro Nashville Police Department said in a news release.

Benning was rushed to Vanderbilt Hospital on Feb. 25, 2023, after Taylor called 911 at 9:38 p.m., saying she appeared to be having an allergic reaction, the release says.

Her medical condition immediately became critical, the release says.

According to the Police Department, Benning was not able to be interviewed by police before she died.


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