Red Wolves hope to keep improving

Arkansas State Coach Butch Jones walks the sideline during the second half of the Camellia Bowl on Dec. 23, 2023, in Montgomery, Ala. The Red Wolves head into their fourth season with Jones as coach with eight preseason All-Sun Belt players.
(Special to the Democrat-Gazette/Laura Chramer)
Arkansas State Coach Butch Jones walks the sideline during the second half of the Camellia Bowl on Dec. 23, 2023, in Montgomery, Ala. The Red Wolves head into their fourth season with Jones as coach with eight preseason All-Sun Belt players. (Special to the Democrat-Gazette/Laura Chramer)

There is a quiet confidence surrounding the Arkansas State University football program as it prepares to embark on the 2024 season.

Coach Butch Jones, quarterback Jaylen Raynor and linebacker Charles Willekes were in New Orleans on Wednesday representing Arkansas State at the 2024 Sun Belt media days and talked about the upcoming season.

"We probably have the most competitive roster we've had to date," Jones said during his news conference on Wednesday. "We're still not completely balanced at all nine position groups, but we continue to make great improvements in the nine position areas. Our leadership is much more distributed."

Coming off a 6-6 record in the 2023 season that saw the Red Wolves make their first bowl game appearance (Camellia Bowl) since 2019, the team enters Year 4 of the Butch Jones era with eight returning starters earning preseason All-Sun Belt honors.

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